One of the meanings of Jewish life that I love the most is the tradition of making special even everyday, ordinary activities and gestures, such as waking, praying, eating. Not to mention the rituals of every commanded festivity - the most important of all Shabbat with Havdallah occurring every week - and events in the cycle of our lives, birth, bar/bat mitzvah, wedding. For each celebration, whether in our private home or with the community, we use objects, clothing accessories or tableware that, from the earliest times, have distinguished a person, family or synagogue with its own style.
This is Judaica: a world of artefacts, embroidered textiles, cast metals or hand-painted ceramics and glassware. Basically, millennia of creativity from Jews in every corner of the planet that inspires me, blending my love for Judaism and the passion for hand-crafting, my devotion to tradition and the vision of a new perspective. Lior
As an Italian Jew, LiOr would like to contribute, through her design and craftmanship, to the artistic heritage of Judaica in the world today. Also, but not only, by addressing Italian Progressive Jews, by birth or choice. Typically the models of tallit offered by come with tsitsit, exclusively kosher, tied by LiOr herself. Being aware of the significance and respectful of the sacredness of the task, she derives great joy in performing the tying, in choosing the appropriate kind of tsitsit and the way to make chulyot to best suit our client. If you have a strictier orthodox practice, feel free to choose your favourite tallit from the showcase, onto which you can have the tsitsiot attached later.
In this window LiOr presents her interpretation of Judaica, ready-to-buy items or custom-made for you, for yourself or as a gift idea for a simcha.

The Menorah

The Menorah

  Parshat Behalotecha inizia con il comandamento dato ad Aron di accendere la menorah nel Mishkan. Menorah è un simbolo cosi forte e centrale in Ebraismo che molto più tardi nella storia è stato scelto come simbolo per lo Stato di Israele affiancato ai lati da...

Why Is Challah Braided?

Why Is Challah Braided?

  Traduco con gratitudine un articolo di Yehuda Shurpin da Chabad.Org del 3/1/2023, che è parte di "Ask Rabbi Y."  una rubrica settimanale con interessanti domande e risposte che arricchiscono la nostra conoscenza. Da ragazza avevo il sogno di diventare...

Make Your Own local Lulav

Make Your Own local Lulav

  13 di Tishri 5784, 28 Settembre 2023 My Jewish Learning ha colpito ancora!   Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman mi ha emozionato, in questo tutorial make-your-own-local-lulav (eccola nella foto), riflettendo su come la scelta di creare il mio lulav locale, a...

Shlissel challah

Shlissel challah

Sveglia all'alba, comincio a preparare l'impasto per la challah mentre ascolto le news. Nel giro di pochi minuti sono  immersa nella meditazione, in quel benedetto stato di attenzione solo ed esclusivamente a quello che sto facendo. Che sia passare...

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